Once there Iived a big wolf· When breeze started blowing, he roamed the areas to find ponds or lakes which had just dried up °to catch fish for food. When arriving at a pond which had completely dried up except a muddy hole full of a lot of fish, shrimps and crabs , the wolf was very glad and thought :I'm very lucky today. It is an unusual luck." The hrimp was indeed clever. On hearing what the wolf had exclaimed, he pleaded with the wolf, saying : We are all your food, brother wolf, but we are so muddy that we are not delicious for you to eat in such a state. " The wolf then said : What can I do to make you more delicious? The shrimp said: You should wash us clean first and eat. Then,. it will be more delicious. The wolf said: How can I take all of you to wash clean as there are so many of you? The shrimp replied: be won-ied. I assure you of that, but you have to follow my instructions. The wolf said: do whatever you tell me to. So you have to lie down in the the shlim...
Once upon a time, there were two men living next door to each other. One day, they agreed to go to lay a trap. In the late afternoon, the two men set offfor the forest where they would lay the trap. One of them said, I will lay a trap at the foot of this tree as this tree has fruit and animals often come to eat the fruit." The other man said," I also wish to lay my trap here, but as you have decided to lay yours here, so I have to lay mine at the top and let's wait and see in the morning whose trap will catch an animal." Then, one of them laid his trap at the foot of the tree while the other was climbing the tree to lay his at the treetop. After having laid their traps, the two men came back home. At that night, the man who laid trap at the treetop talked to his wife. He said," Since my ancestral period, I have never heard of anyone laying a trap at the top of a tree and catching afourfooted animal that walks on the ground. Now, how can I catch an animal as I ha...