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THE WHITE ELEPHANT KING [Cambo Time - Fairy Tale]

 A long time ago, there was a narration of a poor farmer in the remote area. He had a daughter called Neang Kolyan Ney who was sixteen years old that year. She was it beautiful girl with clear skin that attracted not only the fellows in the village but also the millionaire to be in love.

One day when Neang Kolyan Ney and her friends got together and left for digging up tubers for her family’s living, Mrs. Sem, matchmaker, came to her house and asked her to get married with a millionaire from her parents. However, her parents said, “We don’t mind, but my daughter still says that she does not want husband. Therefore, you should be back and wait for my information later as long as I could convince her about this.”

As for Neang Kolyan Ney went to dig up tubers in the forest, she could not find a lot; therefore, she walked far from her friends. Suddenly, the sky darkened and seemed to rain. As tiredness and heaviness, she decided to empty the water in her bamboo flask away; however, no longer time later the sky was cleared and sun came out with shining extremely brightly that caused her extremely thirsty.

She tried to find more tubers in the forest; moreover, her thirstiness as more and more dehydrated to make her throat too dry to be patient. She dug up a half basket of tubers then she decided to find water to drink. A little time later, she found a hole of water. She was really glad, so she walked toward and guzzled the water up. She was really glad that it was salty with bitter taste and smelt stink. However, because of thirstiness, she decided to drink.

One month later, Neang Kolya Ney had felt strange in her body; she often vomited as a pregnancy. Her parents asked her about the causes and effects whether she was in love with any men. However, she denied to these; instead she told about drinking of salty with stink water from a hole. The parents completely wondered; therefore, they got together and went to see the hole. When they arrived, they saw a white elephant pissing in the hole. And then they understood that her daughter was pregnant because of elephant’s urine.

A few months later, Neang Kolyan Ney gave birth to a daughter and named Kon Ton Satra. When she was at the age of seven or eight she could not play with any children because they insulted her that the girl was born without a father. This insult made her feel absolutely ashamed. One day, she kept asking her mother about this father. By not being able to hide any more, her mother told the story in detail without any lies.

Neang Kon Ton Satra pointed to the elephant and said, “Look! That elephant is my father!” Then she knelt down to perform Sampeah (by placing her palm hands together to salute) the elephant. The elephant realized the whole causes and effects, and he carried her up to his back. After that he used incantation to cause a basket of gold magically for Neang Kon Ton Satra’s mother to support her living.

The elephant king used incantation to make a temple for Neang Kon Ton Satra. Since then, she lived in the forest and elephant king found fruit for her. Moreover, he advised her, “If I say: well, Kon Ton Satra opens the door; father perfumes your hair with flowers, perfumes the front hair (fringe), and perfumes the back hair-my daughter Kon Ton Satra.” “If you hear like this, you can hold the door open for me – your father. I do not allow you to go outside of this temple in case of preventing from any dangers,” said the white elephant king.

Talking about King Samalak Reach, he was completely gloomy because his father was assassinated by king Antry and also forced him to marry his daughter; however, King Samalak Reach did not agree. Because of too much boring, he got together with all his servants to go sightseeing in the forest.

While the king was walking in the forest, he met Neang Kon Ton Satra. Therefore, he coaxed her to be his lover.

After they had chatted about love, both of them were pleasure to make love with each other. When the white elephant king had known about this matter, he did not mind. On the contrary, he blessed and arranged marriage them as a husband and wife since then. And then he say good bye to them in order to further his making meditation at Dang Rek Mountain.

Pausing this, talking about the cruel King Antry, everyday he ordered his favorite official (Kin’s confidant) to arrest all pretty verging girls to serve for his passion, and then they all were killed. As for the princess Moha – King Antry’s daughter, who was arranged marriage with King Samalak Reach by King Antry, was unfaithful by being in a secret love with the prince Botun Vong.

As King Samalak Reach took Neang Kon Ton Satra to his kingdom and planned to arrange a wedding, but it was spread to King Antry and Neang Moha. King Antry and his daughter were completely furious; therefore, they mobilized the military forces in order to attack King Samalak Reach's kingdom without warning. Therefore, King Samalak Reach was detained in the jail.

Princess Moha ordered her soldiers to pack princess Kon Ton Satra in a bag and beat vigorously till she was unconscious. By seeing this, King Samalak Reach took out his knife and attempted to stab princess Moha to death.

Suddenly, the white elephant king appeared and prevented him by saying, “Stop! Let her back to her empire.” "Vindictiveness is always disappeared by not committing vindictiveness," said the white elephant king. Therefore, all soldiers and princess Moha ran away back to the kingdom. And then the white king elephant revived Neang Kon Ton Satra.

The white king elephant told King Samalak Reach and Neang Kon Ton Satra, “My dears, please live in our temple; it is safer because the human was too much greedy to compete for the power. “That is right father; I think so and I do not want to come to the throne too,” said King Samalak Reach.

Princess Moha went back to the temple and told her father, “King Samalak Reach betrays you as he will marry ethic minority wonman as his wife because a shite elephant helps him.” While mbrracing with pretty virgin grils, King Antry shouted loudly, “Don’t worry my daughter! I will use the magic spear to kill that elephant.” “My dear quickly mobilize the military forces in order to knock down King Samalak Reach’s empire timely,” said King Antry.

He led the army forces to surround the king Samalak Reach's Royal palace; in the mean time, the spokesman told him that king Samalak Reach was not in the royal palace, but he was in the forest. Therefore, the parade troop returned to the temple in the forest.

The royal advisers and commanders' Samalak Reach knew about the movement of king Antry's parade troop that were moving to Samalak Reach's temple; therefore, they mobilized a great amount of military forces in order to fight with King Antry's army.

King Antry receognized that King Samalak Rechs’s army was strong because of the white elephant king, thus he threw his magic spear made of his former magicians’s bone toward the white elephant king. Because of the magic spear’s power, it poked the elephant’s throat and then he fell down to the ground.

By seeing this, King Samalak Reach and Kon Ton Satra ran toward the elephant, father. “You both look after each other; I am not alive. But the king Antry and his daughter are not alive too. Now I say goodbye.” Said the white elephant king. Then he stood up with his last energy, put his trunk into his mouth and shouted loadly in the forest. After shouting, he fell down and passed away.

Meanwhile, thousands of elephants came out and ran toward the fighting field. The elephants stepped on the king Antry’s troop to death in messy piles; moreover, the king Antry and his daughter-Moha also died at that time.

After the fighting was finished, King Samalak Reach and his wife matched the body of the white elephant king to the royal palace and held ceremony. He married his wife-Kon Ton Satra; furthermore, he controlled his nation and people with peace and happiness since then.



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